Friday, March 23, 2007

What I Think Of The General Public

I shall now express my view on the general public. I do not expect anyone to agree with me but then again everyone is entitled to there own opinion and everyone believes that there opinion is right. I believe that there is a severe lack of respect and appreciation for everything among the general public nowdays, especially the younger group of people. I think that a lot of people do not quit apprecaite and realize what they have and i think a lot of people take advantage of others. I think that nowdays most teens are given almost everything by there parents and in doing that most teens do not appreciate what they have because they didn't have to pay for it on there own. I think that these kids who are given a new car by there parents do not at all appreciate what they have (even though most of them will say they do) because a lot of times i hear them complain that "it's not the car i wanted" or "it's not the color i want". Well when i hear these stupid ass complaints i just want to tear these kids apart because at least your parents gave you a car. My parents made me buy my own car and they do not pay for one bit of my car. I'm done blogging about what i think now because i could go on for hours with this but i have better things to do, like go to work and make money so i can support myself, but then again I'm sure most of you don't know what that's like either. Sure you may have a job but i doubt most of your money goes to absolute needs like food and clothes and gas and car insurance because I'm sure your parents don't make you pay for any of that. The bottom line is... In my eyes i see a severe lack of respect and appreciation for society when i look around at the general public. As i said earlier you don't have to agree with me though, because everybody has there own opinion and everyone thinks that there opinion is right.

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