Wednesday, March 21, 2007


So I'm pretty sure at this point in the year almost every senior is experiencing the effects of the so called "senioritis" disease. It's a disease that every senior eventually goes through at one point or another, some of us sooner than others but ultimately everyone goes through it. Right now we only have about 2 more months of school and this is right around when most seniors obtain "senioritis". There is no cure for "senioritis", only graduation can fix it. The effects may not always be visible but they are still there. For many seniors like myself the most obvious effect of "senioritis" is in the grades. My grades have begun to show a significant drop since about mid January. Senioritis is a major problem in high school seniors all over, but it can not be avoided. It can only be treated by graduation!!!


Max said...

i agree it is tough

Anonymous said...

Yeah im looking forward to gettin out. But its really not long at all when you think about it. Times goin to fly by us.