Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If I Had A Microphone I Would Say...

If i had a microphone and i could talk to the world i would tell them what i think. Not that it would do anything or make anyone change their way of going about their lives, but it would make me feel better. I would tell everyone how i think there is a severe lack of individuality among the population and how i think everyone should be true to themselves and be who they really are. I am very much aware that nobody would listen to me if i could talk to the world and i also know that most people would say that they are themselves, they are different, and they do whatever they want, but the sad reality of it is that most people are just followers. Followers of the media and their peers, most people are afraid to step outside the box of conformity and take a chance doing something else or something that may be considered "different". They just wait for some big media figure to start something then they follow. I guess if i had a microphone and i could talk to the world, this would be my message. Be yourself and step outside the box, dont wait for someone else to do it for you. Be yourself and stop carring who likes you because your true friends will like you for who you are. Kurt Cobain once said "i'd rather be hated for who i am than loved for who i am not". I feel thats how everyone should live their life.


mike said...

Mike- this is awesome- I completely agree
(p.s. i realize i am logged in under you lol)


Ashalicious said...

Nice one Danielle! I too agree. I am hoping this will change and soon cause it really is getting old.

Colin said...

thats very deep mike.. by the way we gotta get goin on our script.. i have a feeling were all going to fail