Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Another Open Letter

An Open Letter To The Only Girl
That Left Me Broken Hearted And
Didnt Even Seem To Care. I Would
Have Given My Life For Her.


I dont know why you did it but it was completely unjustified. The reason you gave me was that I made you feel like s**t every day. If that was true why would you have gone out with me for 8 months and not say one thing about it? I dont think thats the real reason you left me. Do you remember the day you told me you could do better than me? It broke my heart and i didnt eat or sleep for 3 days but i gave you a second chance because i thought you didnt mean it. Well so much for that second chance. It hurt so much because i genuinely loved you and i would have layed my life down for you in a second. Nobody knew it but for valentines day i got you a $340 ring and wanted to surprise you because i truly thought you were worth it. If i really made you feel like s**t why didnt i get a second chance?


dayinthelife said...

mike. i wish we were better friends so i could say something comforting right now. i know you're upset but one day you will be okay. -lily

red with silver stars said...

you're just too nice. i dated that fag for two years and i got a fucking ten dollar ring from wallmart.

well, whatever happens
you'll make it out just fine.

Estrella Bella said...

I think that she doesn't deserve another chance. She obviously meant a lot to you- but why would someone who you love so much hurt you so bad. I'm pretty sure it doesn't have to do with any reason she gave you. She will come to realize what a dumbass she was and when she comes crawling back I'd seriously consider not taking her back. From what you've told me and reading the letter this isn't the first time she's hurt you. I know you can't change people but I don't think it's you who needs to change for her- I think it's her who needs to change for you.

-LOVE-MUZIK- said...

obviously some people don't realize what they have until it's gone. Hunny believe me I know how you fell and it hurts so bad but things go on and I promise one day you will look back on it and wonder why it was so big of a deal. You will find some one worth your time and it will be so much better than you ever thought it could be. please believe me. feel better.
